We took P'Ann's car and when we arrived we were shocked at the size of the place! there was about 8 aeroplane hanger sized warehouses full of market stalls selling everything imaginable!
We only went into one of the warehouse sections which was full of vegetables and a smaller section which was full of fresh meats and fish which were still splashing!

Fresh but rank whole chickens?

Every part of a chicken you could want....

Moody fish face (Not suprised he's lost his body)

Rad guy and his limes


The size of each one of these warehouse places was insane

Cockroaches anyone?

Fresh Fresh Fish..

Green eggs and ham.


Broken Hearts?


Babe Pig in the city.

After this ordeal we went back to chill out and wait for some dinner, with the food we bought everyone had a bbq but thai style, this involves a fire pot with a kinda grill/hotplate on top.
Its a fun way to eat and share food but its like war as to whos going to get the meat when its cooked haha.
Around the outside of the grill is a little soup which all the juices from the meat fall into and theres noodles and alot of veg in there, tasty!

The day ended up being pretty epic with another late night for the both of us but we had nothing to get up for the next day so it was all good.
Deac&Gilb x
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