Sunday, 28 September 2008

Day 24 - The day before

We haven't been up to much recently, just getting to know the people we live with and our road, we've found a cool new club and got in there with the owners, its a chill spot reminds us of home. We've been there a few times now for a few beverages and a game of pool or two.

The owners showed us a thai game of pool which was pretty fun but involved loosing money because we're rubbish at pool! but we played for free so it was all good.
We couldn't get to sleep so we went for a walk to a delicious fruit smoothy stall down the road and saw the open room crew playing some warcraft at the internet cafe.

We found out we might have a problem with our visa but it means we have to leave the country every 30 days so more traveling which we are pleased about, next week we are going to cambodia for a few days with p'joke.


Deac&Gilb x

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