anyway earlier we went for a quick dip in the pool because the heat was stupid in the afternoon, on the way deacon was up for a pepsi from the local shop, although he didn't expect this!

The lady asked if we wanted ice and we clearly accepted but didn't expect the bags!
The pool is private to the estate and is normally empty :S but is well nice.

A little bit of rain.. well down pour but it was still so hot!

Deacons attempt at a handstand on the water...

it didn't work out too well
We left the pool when there was a gap in the rain to get back to the house, and were more than surprised to see a massive lightning storm, it was hard but managed to get one sick picture, and i would like to point out that me James Deacon the 1st took this picture (

We had just eaten the best chicken fried rice ever at home and sand picked us up to go play the first of many sunday football games :)
James Deacon No.69

We played at a professional pitch and watched the first half, seeing how good everyone was got us pretty anxious about getting on the pitch!

Deacon suffered a severe injury to his metatarsal.. or maybe just a blood blister.

Sand was playing like a thai ronaldo with a banging goal in the first half, we're going to miss seeing him everyday when we move out!

After the match and alot of heavy breathing we headed home and recieved a phone call from Joke telling us we'll be moving to our flat tomorrow! so we thought we'd show you the guards while we had the chance.

Its been quite an eventful day even though we havn't really left the house so now for some well needed sleep.
Gilb&Deac x
I think i need to come out and look after that foot, needs a mum's attention!!!!!!!
Jesus, James. For the sake of all the innocent people in Thailand, and P'Sand, don't where those shorts in public.
Mum's giving me daily updates on what's happening as soon as I wake up and she's been telling everyone that we have a supermodel in the family. Love it.
P.S looking at those guard pictures, it looks like Deacons the tallest person in Thailand.
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