Tuesday, 30 September 2008

Day 28

4 weeks in thailand already! its gone so quick for us, not sure about those of you in england i'm sure days are longer without us there! haha.
Anyway had an intense Sunset earlier, we've not been up to much today just chilling out with some new friends we've made.

Both these photos we're taken from the roof of our building.

We're going to get an early night tonight hopefully!


Deac&Gilb x

Day 27! Chicken Curry Doughnut?

P'Game invited us to go to Future Park with him today, we had nothing else planned so we went along for the trip.
We found a bakery which gave us some english food cravings, there was some weird combos in the bakery tho, Chicken Curry Doughnuts? Weinner Doughnut? Ham and Tuna Sandwiches loads more.

While we were there we bought a tasty baguette and thought we'd have a good home made cheese and ham sandwich, while in Topps market we found some fresssh cooked ham still on the bone! no cheese but baked beans and olives! Deacons two favourite foods!!
We headed off home, taxi rides kill both me and deacon, always doze off in them!

We got home, waited a while till we were hungry then tucked into our tasty treat! England style.


Gilb&Deac x

The Day After - Hang over travels

Today was the after birthday hangover, after waking up far too late, we headed down for breakfast (at like 4 ha), after we finished eating P'Tar and P'Gee asked if we wanted to go to the market, we had no idea what to expect from the market we thought it was just a small fresh foods place....

We took P'Ann's car and when we arrived we were shocked at the size of the place! there was about 8 aeroplane hanger sized warehouses full of market stalls selling everything imaginable!

We only went into one of the warehouse sections which was full of vegetables and a smaller section which was full of fresh meats and fish which were still splashing!

Fresh but rank whole chickens?
Every part of a chicken you could want....
Moody fish face (Not suprised he's lost his body)

Rad guy and his limes

The size of each one of these warehouse places was insane

Cockroaches anyone?

Fresh Fresh Fish..

Green eggs and ham.

Broken Hearts?
Babe Pig in the city.

After this ordeal we went back to chill out and wait for some dinner, with the food we bought everyone had a bbq but thai style, this involves a fire pot with a kinda grill/hotplate on top.
Its a fun way to eat and share food but its like war as to whos going to get the meat when its cooked haha.

Around the outside of the grill is a little soup which all the juices from the meat fall into and theres noodles and alot of veg in there, tasty!

The day ended up being pretty epic with another late night for the both of us but we had nothing to get up for the next day so it was all good.


Deac&Gilb x

Sunday, 28 September 2008

Happy Birthday to me!!

WELL! it was my 20th birthday yesterday and what better way to spend it but much drinking and merry making with some of our new friends in Thailand.
In the day Gilb treated me to a little film at the cinema, We saw eagle eye which was very good and i would recommend you go to see. At the night we went to a near by club to watch some Thai indie band which were really quite good, even Gilb liked it! and then back to the open bar for Drinking fun.
My friends Oof and Yo purchased this delicious little beauty for me.

Me, Yo and P'Dee
P'Gee and P'Game happy chappys!
P'Benz very nice fella

P'Mon!! absolute hero, and possibly the happiest person we have ever met.
P'Tar lovely lady and very friendly
P'An came along for the occasion
P'Poo hero.
Because in Thailand Deacon is reasonably hard to say and Gilb is called James I was given a new name, and what better occasion to give my new name than my birthday, my Thai name is Chang which is the name of a brand of Beer here and also means elephant, i have no idea why they would think to name me after a beer or an elephant for that matter! :S
P'Palm likes to drink
Please excuse the fact i look like a complete knob in this picture
P'Joke Gilb's cousin strumming away
P'Game Absolute hero! Definately taking him home to the parents.
Aswell as a lot of Beer there was also a lot of delicious food, which didn't last long.

P'Um he is such a nice guy and is taking us to see south Thailand in October :)

It was a very enjoyable Birthday, not many people can say they spent there 20th celebrating in another country so i feel very privileged to have been able to celebrate here with all these lovely people, but not forgetting everyone at home, thanks for all the kind birthday wishes it is very appreciated :)

As the night continued everyone ended up very drunk and had many laughs,
I had a brilliant day and the memory of my 20th birthday in Thailand will stay with me forever :)

