Friday, 13 March 2009


Well we've been internetless for a while! but we have been busy, at the moment a few of our mates are out here staying with us so we're enjoying showing them around and visiting a few islands and beaches.
In the past few months people have slowly been moving out of our condo so its getting a bit emptier on the week days but no one leaves permanently everyones always back on the weekends and its back to the usual open room family which we all enjoy.
Since the last blog post i've (Gilbody) been doing quite a bit of work and Deacon has taken up teaching english!
Here's some stuff we've been up too, in no particular order i'm afraid

The evening after a reggae festival in Ban Pae, no photos from the festival i'm afraid it was awesome though danced on the beach into the early hours of the morning.
Another view of the road from a new lens i got a few weeks ago
Night market outside the grand palace one of the most interesting ones i've been to
Redecorating. . well moving the bed and fixing it with a machete 
The people i work with on some events
Work at the airport i've taken photos of  asean (Association of South East Asian Nations)  mod officials, army generals and some prime ministers arriving for a summit also a few weeks before i was taking photos of colorectal surgeons arriving for an annual conference google it if your unsure :) 

Horrible zoo animals were kept so poorly we left very quickly it was advertised as a crocodile farm but they had tigers bears and all sorts
we did spend alot of time feeding the crocs tho that was fun, living dinosaurs! 
Ayutthaya Historical Park 

This is from a staff party that p'san organised i was the hired photographer was a tiring but very fun night, they definitely do staff parties better than any i've ever seen!

P'Tar's Niece/Nephew? i should probably check before i let her see this.
Playing guitar with P'Sand and P'Joke at a Uni end of term party for their environmental group

A bit of sight seeing at work up north in Lumpan 

Well thats all for now there is alot more but the internet is painfully slow here, we'll try get to a cafe once a week and keep this up to date again


Gilb&Deac x